June 27, 2010

Soggy Training Ride: 103km: Finch - Holland Canal

Upon our return from vacation, I was a little anxious and worried that after 3 weeks of no bike training, I would fall short on the training ride. When I left for my vacation, I had already completed several 75+ km rides, but I didn't want to be the cog in the wheel and slow anyone else down due to irregular hiccups in my training. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to ride 100+ km because I was behind on my training. At 11:30pm Friday, I decided to do the 103 km ride the following day from Finch Station to Holland Marsh and am glad I did. It was definitely an experience to test the limits. I tend to be a fair weather rider, but Saturday was not a pretty day. It was wet, inclement and dreary. I had my doubts, but made my choice to do the ride. There was no going back. I must say that riding through rain and the dreary weather really was a great experience. I have found that for me, it is has become more about the conquering of the mind, rather than body. Conditioning the body is important, but conditioning the mind is really the key. You have to keep a good outlook and be optimistic that you can do it. Once you allow that seed of doubt to get in your head, it will grow and create all sorts of problems. I have to thank the other riders like Noah, Melanie and Warren, who kept me at their pace. Their enthusiasm and encouragement really helped me conquer any doubts that may have been in my head. Riding through 5 hours of rain can really defeat a person, but I am glad that I feel that I conquered the rain and did not let the clouds, rains or hard ride diminish the experience.