April 28, 2010

First ride tribulations

I took the Monday of this week off to give myself a long weekend, and headed up North with David and 4 others to a friend's family cottage in Muskoka. We left Friday and had a beautiful time opening the cottage. Lots of work, but it was well worth it, as you can tell from the sunset pictures. I don't have a new camera yet, so am relying on my Blackberry Bold, which doesn't do anything justice.

I felt bad for missing yet another Training ride, which took place the Saturday I was away, from Kennedy to the Zoo loop which was 43 km. I've started my training slow, because of my sprained ankle, but decided to do a ride on Monday, since we returned early on the afternoon of Sunday.

So, Monday comes along, and if you all recall it was a spectacular day. David taped up my ankle and we were out the door by 11AM. We decided to do a ride from our place, to and up along the Humber river, then North West to St. Clair and back, which would have been about 37km. When we got to Palace Pier and turned North along the Humber, I noticed a clicking sound as I changed gears. I decided to press on, keeping an eye on it. Sadly, as I crested a hill near St. Clair my chain snapped. I ended up havong to coast and walk back to York Mills station. We jumped on the TTC and and entertained many patrons in our spandex.

At least it happened now, so I could get some experience.