March 14, 2010

New Old Bike

I have a used road bike that I may purchase off a very good friend. He was kind enough to allow me to take it to test, train, and even ride it for the Summer, before I made my decision. I was worried about training on my heavy Norco hybrid, but now have a LeMond Road bike. It's sized at 54, but looks and feels right. I am going to get the pedals and shoes this week and will give it a go. It doesn't have that crunched compact feeling of a lo of the new bikes. This is longer and fits my 6 foot 1 frame well. I'll post a picture of her when I am ready, but need to get other stuff done now. I'm doing some further research on Century rides and building up and training for that. My friend Ken, who so happens to be the same person who proffered his bike to me, is also a gear head and suggested I look or pick up the magazine "Get Out There". You can go online and find the article for Century training at

Lots to do. Lots to prep. Very excited. I want to go out on the streets to ride but it's still raining. I've also raised $1,630.00 already. I am shocked, flabbergasted and downright glowing happy for all the support and encouragement. I have a few cheques and cash receipts to submit this week to PWA, but may even consider "upping" my Goal to see how much I can raise.

Thank you again everyone!!